With more than 2000 installed units, the WTM500 has been the most successful turbidimeter of SIGRIST, the Swiss manufacturer of photometers. The nearly maintenance free construction with non-contact measurement in a free falling water jet and the automatic adjustment was setting a standard in turbidity measurement. Now the engineers at SIGRIST succeeded to go even one better. In early 2006 the new AquaScat family will be launched onto the market. The flagship is the AquaScat WTM with a measuring span of 0 to 4000 FNU, a resolution of 0.001 FNU, non-contact measurement and automatic adjustment on demand.
Also the version HT shows a non-contact setup. With a reduced resolution of 0.1 FNU and the same span it is primarily thought for higher turbidities e.g. in raw water applications. The scope is completed with the AquaScat P with a closed flow cell for measurement under pressure. This version has advantages for samples with high gas content or to optimize the sample flow. With this selection, the AquaScat can cover all applications in potable water treatment form really dirty river water with more than 2000 FNU down to best filtrated pure water with 0.015 FNU. Main difference to the WTM500 besides the increased measuring span is the integration of keypad and display as well as the significantly reduced weight and volume of the instrument. Curious? We would be happy to present the AquaScat to you or send you more information.
AquaScat WTM AquaScat HT |
AquaScat P |
AquaScat WTM |
AquaScat P |
AquaScat HT