de Glossar
How Danube water becomes drinking water

The Landeswasserversorgung (state water supply) supplies around three million people in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria with clean drinking water. The catchment area covers the Danube reed, the Buchbrunnen spring and the Danube near Leipheim, Bavaria. River water has been extracted there and treated to produce drinking water since 1973. Measuring devices from Sigrist-Photometer have also been in use since 2019.

In a six-stage process, around 1 % of the river water from the Danube is treated to produce drinking water. From the sedimentation basin, it passes through a total of six treatment stages. These include 10 multi-layer filters and 10 activated carbon filters before it is it is distributed to households as pure water.

The Initial Situation

From 1973 to the beginning of 2019, after the multi-layer filter and after the activated carbon filter, the turbidity was measured by 10 measuring devices with free jet measurement technology by means of valve switching. This caused measuring water losses of 5,256,000 l/year.

The Solution

In 2019, the state water supply company rebuilt the waterworks and replaced the previous measuring devices with Sigrist photometers. For this purpose Sigrist was allowed to supply the AquaScat S turbidity probes for in-line monitoring. In total, the Landeswasserversorgung installed 10 AquaScat S turbidity measuring probes with retractable fitting after all 10 multi-layer filters and a further 10 AquaScat S with retractable fitting downstream of the 10 activated carbon filters. In addition, an AquaScat S with retractable fitting is used in the total filtrate and one in the raw water extraction. Sigrist-Photometer supplied a total of 22 AquaScat S with retractable fitting and DN65 flange.

The Extra Mile

Previously, the Sigrist-Photometer portfolio only included a retractable fitting with a 2” thread for screwing on. For Danube water treatment, Sigrist-Photometer converted this to a flange DN 65 at the special request of the Landeswasserversorgung.

The Customer Benefit

Thanks to inline measurement, there is no loss of sample water and there is no need for pumps to remove the removal of the sample water.

Landeswasser Customer Quote

Further Products in Use

Two ColorPlus SAK 254 UV for UV absorption are also in use. They are installed downstream of the activated charcoal filter.

Tabelle water quality Danube water

Diagram of the Treatment Process with Sigrist Photometer

SuS_Landeswasser_Schema der Donauwasseraufbereitung mit Sigrist Geräten
AquaScat S
In-line turbidity measurement for water treatment The AquaScat measures the turbidity of potable water according to IEC 27027 and the temperature, with the measurement carried out directly in the wate…
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