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IHZ Innovationspreis 2020

{{product.Name}} – {{product.Text}} Zertifizierungslogo SVGW - der Fachverband für Wasser-, Gas- und Fernwärmeversorger
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Zertifizierungslogo SVGW - der Fachverband für Wasser-, Gas- und Fernwärmeversorger
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Measuring system for scrubber wash water monitoring

The SIGRIST ScrubberGuard combines proven individual components in an innovative all-in-one system - complemented by maritime refinements that are unique worldwide. This combination also convinced the jury of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Central Switzerland and awarded SIGRIST-PHOTOMETER AG with the IHZ Innovation Award 2020.

Winner announcement Award ceremony 9.6.2021
Press release IHZ   Press release IHZ
Article Luzerner Zeitung       Article Luzerner Zeitung

The certified measuring system is characterized by its non-contact free-fall measurement. It ensures that the optics always remain clean. Another important point for constantly reliable measuring values is the ingenious 2-level system, which efficiently eliminates air bubbles.In order to guarantee maximum operational safety, recalibration is performed automatically - even decentralized e.g. from the command center. These features are unique worldwide.

The ScrubberGuard therefore reliably and continuously monitors the scrubber wash water of cargo ships and cruise liners for the measuring parameters turbidity, oil traces, pH value and temperature according to MEPC.259 (68) for exhaust gas cleaning systems. This ensures compliance with the legally regulated guidelines of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), valid since 1.1.2020.

The complete system has been specially equipped with unique maritime finesses for the demanding process and environmental conditions on cargo vessels and cruise liners. Click here to go directly to the new product video.

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We would be pleased to show you the possible applications on site or assist you with your projects. Our large network of sales and service partners provides competent advice worldwide and supports you locally in the practical use and service of our AquaScat.

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We would be pleased to show you the possible applications on site or assist you with your projects. Our large network of sales and service partners provides competent advice worldwide and supports you locally in the practical use and service of our ColorPlus 2 Systems.

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We would be pleased to show you the possible applications on site or assist you with your projects. Our large network of sales and service partners provides competent advice worldwide and supports you locally in the practical use and service of our AquaScat S.

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We would be pleased to show you the possible applications on site or assist you with your projects. Our large network of sales and service partners provides competent advice worldwide and supports you locally in the practical use and service of our OilGuard 2 W.

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We would be pleased to show you the possible applications on site or assist you with your projects. Our large network of sales and service partners provides competent advice worldwide and supports you locally in the practical use and service of our ColorPulus 3 nitrate and ColorPlus SAC 254.

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We would be pleased to show you the possible applications on site or assist you with your projects. Our large network of sales and service partners provides competent advice worldwide and supports you locally in the practical use and service of our ScrubberGuard.

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We would be pleased to show you the possible applications on site or assist you with your projects. Our large network of sales and service partners provides competent advice worldwide and supports you locally in the practical use and service of our TurBiScat PM 40.

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MEPC.259(68) DNV-GL Statement of Compliance MEPC.259(68) DNV-GL Statement of Compliance Type Approval from Lloyd’s Register NIPPON KAIJI KYOKAI ClassNK MEPC.259(68)
MEPC.259(68) DNV-GL Statement of Compliance MEPC.259(68) DNV-GL Statement of Compliance Type Approval from Lloyd’s Register NIPPON KAIJI KYOKAI ClassNK MEPC.259(68)
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Leonardo Pio
Responsible for the application: Water, Industrial Processes, Beverages & Food for the regions: AG, LU, NW, OW, VS, BS, BL, SO, BE, FR, NE, VD, GE and JU
Andreas Corradini
Responsible for the application: Water, Industrial Processes, Beverages & Food for the regions: TI, GR, UR, GL, SZ, ZG, ZH, SH, SG, TG, AR and AI Traffic & Environment: whole Switzerland
Ihr Businesspartner für Getränke & Lebensmittel:
Für Wasser, Industrielle Prozesse, Verkehr & Umwelt kontaktieren Sie unseren Hauptsitz.

Your distribution partner for beverages & food:
For water, industrial processes, traffic & environment please contact our headquarters

Ihr Businesspartner für Getränke & Lebensmittel:
Für Wasser, Industrielle Prozesse, Verkehr & Umwelt kontaktieren Sie unseren Hauptsitz.

Your distribution partner for beverages & food:
For water, industrial processes, traffic & environment please contact our headquarters

Contact headquarters

Felix Joller
Sales Manager ScrubberGuard
Montag–Freitag 08:00–12:00 und 13:30–17:00
Feiertage & Betriebsferien:
Seppitag: 19. März 2024, Ostern: 29. März – 01. April 2024, Auffahrt: 09. Mai 2024, Pfingstmontag: 20. Mai 2024, Fronleichnam: 30. Mai 2024, Bundesfeiertag: 01. August 2024, Maria Himmelfahrt: 15. August 2024, Allerheiligen: 01. November 2024, Maria Empfängnis: 08. Dezember 2024, Betriebsferien: 24. Dezember 2024 – 02. Januar 2025
Opening hours:
Monday–Friday 08:00am–12:00pm und 1:30pm–5:00pm
Public & company holidays:
St Joseph's Day: 19. March 2024, Easter: 29. March – 01. April 2024, Ascension Day: 09. May 2024, Whit Monday: 20. May 2024, Corpus Christi: 30. May 2024, Federal Holiday: 01. August 2024, Assumption Day: 15. August 2024, All Saints Day: 01. November 2024, Conception of Mary: 08. December 2024, Company holidays: 24. December 2024 – 02. January 2025