defr Glossar

Attenuation of the radiant flux when light is passed through a clear medium.

If light of a suitable wavelength is passed through a sample, part of the energy is transmitted to the molecules. As a result, the emergent beam Φout has less energy than the incident beam Φin

Fig. 2: Absorption

The amount of light absorbed generally follows the Lambert-Beer Law and is therefore proportional to the number of absorbing molecules and the path length traversed L. Absorption spectroscopy; Extinction

If the medium contains turbidity matter, additional attenuation is caused as a result of light scattering. Scattered light

Terms related to absorption spectroscopy:
Lambert-Beer Law: $\phi_{\text{out}} = \phi_{\text{in}} \cdot 10^{- \kappa \cdot c \cdot L}$
(previously referred to as "extinction E")
$A = \log_{10} \left( \frac{ 1 }{ \tau } \right) = \log_{10} \left( \frac{\phi_{\text{in}}}{\phi_{\text{out}}} \right)$
Absorption coefficient: $a = \left(\frac{A}{L}\right) \quad a = \kappa \cdot c$
Transmittance: $\tau = \left(\frac{ \phi_{\text{out}} }{ \phi_{\text{in}} }\right)$
$\phi_{\text{out}}$ Radiant flux (or radiant power), transmitted
$\phi_{\text{in}}$ Radiant power, received
$\kappa$ Relative absorption coefficient (previously referred to as "extinction coefficient ε")
$c$ Concentration in mol/l
$L$ Path length in cm

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Leonardo Pio
Responsible for the application: Water, Industrial Processes, Beverages & Food for the regions: AG, LU, NW, OW, VS, BS, BL, SO, BE, FR, NE, VD, GE and JU
Andreas Corradini
Responsible for the application: Water, Industrial Processes, Beverages & Food for the regions: TI, GR, UR, GL, SZ, ZG, ZH, SH, SG, TG, AR and AI Traffic & Environment: whole Switzerland
Ihr Businesspartner für Getränke & Lebensmittel:
Für Wasser, Industrielle Prozesse, Verkehr & Umwelt kontaktieren Sie unseren Hauptsitz.

Your distribution partner for beverages & food:
For water, industrial processes, traffic & environment please contact our headquarters

Ihr Businesspartner für Getränke & Lebensmittel:
Für Wasser, Industrielle Prozesse, Verkehr & Umwelt kontaktieren Sie unseren Hauptsitz.

Your distribution partner for beverages & food:
For water, industrial processes, traffic & environment please contact our headquarters

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Ralf Isenberg
Sales Manager ScrubberGuard
Montag–Freitag 08:00–12:00 und 13:30–17:00
Feiertage & Betriebsferien:
Seppitag: 19. März 2025, Ostern: 18. – 21. April 2025, Auffahrt: 29. Mai 2025, Pfingstmontag: 9. Juni 2025, Fronleichnam: 19. Juni 2025, Bundesfeiertag: 01. August 2025, Maria Himmelfahrt: 15. August 2025, Allerheiligen: 01. November 2025, Maria Empfängnis: 08. Dezember 2025, Betriebsferien: 24. Dezember 2025 – 04. Januar 2026
Opening hours:
Monday–Friday 08:00am–12:00pm und 1:30pm–5:00pm
Public & company holidays:
St Joseph's Day: 19. March 2025, Easter: 18. – 21. April 2025, Ascension Day: 29. May 2025, Whit Monday: 09. June 2025, Corpus Christi: 19. June 2025, Federal Holiday: 01. August 2025, Assumption Day: 15. August 2025, All Saints Day: 01. November 2025, Conception of Mary: 08. December 2025, Company holidays: 24. December 2025 – 04. January 2026