de Glossar

Anniversary Story – Part 3

75 Years of Sigrist: Part III:

The new instrument generation

Until 1998, the Sigrist product portfolio consisted of what were known as universal instruments. This "one instrument philosophy" meant that the basic instrument including optics and electronics was largely identical for all instruments and that the individual adaptation to the measuring task was carried out with an adapted measuring cell approach. The next big leap in innovation was the shift to a new generation - the user-specific instruments. They were compact, could be integrated directly into a product line and represented a quantum leap in terms of technology and optics. Now it was possible to respond optimally to the brewery’s needs.

In 1998 Sigrist-Photometer AG made the decision not to continue the universal instruments and to create a new and compact generation: the user-specific instruments.

The DualScat - Compact, hygienic turbidity meter. Can be integrated directly into the product line.

The first product in this family was the WTM 500, a turbidity meter for measuring drinking water in free fall. The DualScat was developed for the beer brewing sector and was the most important instrument for Sigrist until 2009. Compared to the K and C series, it represented a quantum leap in terms of electronics, optics, and operating device level. This innovation made it possible to connect the device directly to a standard housing, i.e. a compact integration into a product line. This ensured simple and hygienic installation as well as optimum cleanability in the beer filtration process, for example.

turbidity meter
The compact DualScat turbidity meter, which can be directly integrated into a product line

Multi detectors were used for the first time in the DualScat, which allowed simultaneous measurement of transmitted light, 90° scattered light and 25° forward scattered light. With the help of the transmitted light measurement, colour-related absorption in the medium, window soiling and fluctuations in the light source could be compensated. To ensure long-term stability, each DualScat had a solid checking unit that made it easy to verify the stability of the instrument. And the instruments were indeed stable! A DualScat still in use at Sigrist now has some 130'000h of operation and the readings only need to be corrected by less than 2% for correct calibration.

Their optical design was very compact, their electronics met the latest requirements and their mechanical adaptation to the process line was very straightforward. The volume of the unit could be reduced by a factor of 10 compared to the predecessor model.

In the next part (Part IV will be published on August 11), we will reveal the history of the successor product TurBiScat, which is also part of the current Sigrist beer brewing portfolio.

LabScat - Compact dual-angle laboratory turbidity meter. Very high measuring range from 0 - 500 EBC.

Alongside the DualScat, a new laboratory instrument was developed in 1999 - the LabScat. This device likewise made an enormous leap forward in terms of optics and technology with respect to its predecessor, the KTL 30, and is still part of the Sigrist beer brewing portfolio today, the result of continuous further development and optimisation. The dual-angle laboratory turbidity meter is the ideal complement to the process measuring instruments when it comes to final quality assurance in the laboratory.

The Compact dual-angle laboratory turbidity meter LabScat with very high measuring range (0 - 500 EBC)

The instrument has a very compact design and can be cleaned easily and without tools. In addition, a valve unit enables the complete emptying of the water bath. These features lead to the following benefits:

  • A small footprint on the lab bench
  • All standard bottles can be measured

Its convincing measuring technology is demonstrated by the combination of high-quality optical components with the proven dual-beam measuring technique. It allows an extremely low inherent brightening effect. At the beginning of the measurement the bottle or cuvette is centred and rotated in the water bath during its reading. These features involve the following benefits:

  • A stable measurement of just a few mEBC to 500 EBC (e.g. for dark wheat beers) even at 0 °C
  • A reduction of bottle interference, which guarantees a more precise measurement
  • Compensation of window soiling and colour influences caused by bottles and media

You can find more information about our LabScat on our website.

You have not yet read Parts I and II? No problem, here you can go directly to the articles:

75 Years of Sigrist: Part I: The vision of a better working world
75 Years of Sigrist: Part II: The innovative oscillating mirror technology

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