de Glossar

Turbidity measurement at the lauter tun in the brewhouse of a brewery

Turbidity measurement at the lauter tun in the brewhouse of a brewery

Advantages of 25°/90° scattered light measurement:

In the brewhouse - the centrepiece of the brewing process - turbidity measurement at the outlet of the lauter tun plays an important role.

Turbidity measurement in a brewery's lauter tun is used to monitor the clarity of the wort by measuring the solids content. Precise control of turbidity is crucial to ensure the quality of the beer, as too much husk can lead to fermentation problems and flavour impairment.

Optimum turbidity values during the lautering process have a positive effect on subsequent process steps such as filtration and therefore save money by extending filter service life.

Our TurBiScat PM 40 monitors turbidity with a proven measuring principle, precisely and reliably; with MEBAK/EBC-compliant turbidity measurement using 25° scattered light measurement, the optimum method, sensitive to undissolved particles such as husks for monitoring the lautering process. Thanks to the second measuring angle at 90° for colloidal turbidity, the TurBiScat PM 40 can see even more.

Ideal both for pumping turbidity and for monitoring the entire lautering process. 80% of the lautering time the turbidity should be below 30 EBC.

The TurBiScat PM 40 offers low life cycle costs and enables an economical filtering process: lower turbidity after lautering ensures more efficient filtration later in the process with longer filter service lives and improves the chemical and physical stability of the beer.

A TurBiScat PM 40 - more than just pumping cloudy wort.

The advantages

The Sigrist TurBiScat PM 40 offers several advantages in this context:

  • Two angle measurement: By measuring the scattered light at 90° and 25°, both low and high turbidity values can be precisely recorded
  • Colour compensation: The device compensates for colour influences, resulting in greater measuring accuracy
  • Robust, maintenance-free design: Thanks to the gasket-free design with materials such as Hastelloy and sapphire, the appliance is particularly durable and low-maintenance
  • Simple calibration: Quick adjustment with a secondary standard enables uncomplicated calibration

These features make the TurBiScat PM 40 a reliable instrument for monitoring and controlling the lautering process in breweries.

Find out more in the application note >>>

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Leonardo Pio
Responsible for the application: Water, Industrial Processes, Beverages & Food for the regions: AG, LU, NW, OW, VS, BS, BL, SO, BE, FR, NE, VD, GE and JU
Andreas Corradini
Responsible for the application: Water, Industrial Processes, Beverages & Food for the regions: TI, GR, UR, GL, SZ, ZG, ZH, SH, SG, TG, AR and AI Traffic & Environment: whole Switzerland
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Ralf Isenberg
Sales Manager ScrubberGuard
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