SIGRIST is positioned as a manufacturer of prime products and is oriented to customers who are quality and cost conscious. In addition to recognized quality, SIGRIST photometers provide a low total cost of ownership. This includes the initial investment as well as all subsequent costs – service life, availability, maintenance and repair.
This sentence is not an empty phrase; satisfied customers confirm this statement over and over. In the beginning of this year, our Spanish agency for the tunnel market, Ortrat, sent us a nice proof for this statement. We gladly quote from the letter received (translated from Spanish):
“In our tunnel there are 5 visibility monitors, model SIGRIST KTN installed and they function since almost 30 years. We intend to replace them this year. On your webpage I have seen that there’s an up-to-date visibility monitor available from SIGRIST. Can you please send me a budgetary quotation for 5 instruments, together with information about this new model.”
Quality products made by SIGRIST may be initially higher in price than from other manufacturers. We’re convinced that in a long-term view, the “Swissness” of our equipment pays back. Despite the strong Swiss Franc, SIGRIST is committed to the work place Switzerland. Here we have built up the know-how and the control over the quality standard in R&D and production – for the benefit of our customers, worldwide, as demonstrated once again in this case.