Presentation BactoSense at the water supply Köniz, raw water intake Selhofen-Zopfen near Belp / Bern
On Wednesday, 21st June, the new BactoSense method was presented directly at the raw water intake Selhofen-Zopfen near Belp / Bern. We were pleased to welcome 16 participants including end customers and guests from government agencies.
Our SIGRIST experts explained the technical functioning of the BactoSense and the experts of CHYN (Center for Hydrogeology and Geology, Neuchâtel) presented possible applications in ground water. CHYN, the water supplier Köniz and the company SIGRIST are currently testing a new method which is ready for practical application for continuous monitoring of the microbial quality of groundwater / drinking water based on flow cytometry.
With our new BactoSense method, the microbial state of water can be determined automatically. Its major advantage lies in the fact that the measuring results are available after only 30 minutes.
After the presentation, the participants could exchange experiences and make contacts while enjoying a refreshing Apéro.